on road motor tour to upper mustang

“kingdom behind the himalayas”


Join us for the ride of lifetime into one of the most unexplored regions of the Himalayas. Upper Mustang provides experienced riders with an adventure that very few have dared to undertake.


This ride is not for the faint hearted. It will push your riding skills, the bike, and endurance to the limit. The rewards are plentiful however as you get the chance to experience the last remaining Tibetan kingdom in all it’s glory. The majority of the tour rides close to 4000m (4800m max) on terrain which regularly encounters snowfall, landslides and glacial melt. So get ready to take deep breathes!


Hearts & Tears MC were the first tour company to explore the region launching our pilot tour to Lo Manthang in April 2015. It is beyond doubt the most thrilling and unique Himalayan journey on two wheels. See you out there!

high lights

  • Explore Tibet’s last remaining Forbidden Kingdom

  • Visit the ancient walled-city of Lo Manthang

  • Traverse the trans-Himalaya and Tibetan plateua, 4800m

  • Visit the world’s oldest active monastery 

  • Drink tea with nomadic yak herders

  • Explore a world that time has forgot

  • Ride through the world’s deepest gorge

quick looks


May & June / October & November


From US $250/rider


10 days


  • day 01 - Drive from Kathmandu to Gorkha (140KM) [140KM 5-6 HRS]

    This morning, our team will meet you at the hotel for a briefing regarding road safety and traffic rules in preparation for your exciting and adventurous journey to the Forbidden Kingdom. We will drive from Kathmandu to Gorkha on a less-traveled road that includes both off-road and asphalt roads. Gorkha is a hill that is historically linked to the formation of modern Nepal. It has traditionally been renowned as the land of valiant warriors and the birthplace of Nepal's unifier, King Prithvi Narayan Shah. Gorkha is a portion of Gandaki Pradesh and one of the country's 77 districts. The Gorkha Durbar, where the Shah kings began their 239-year reign, is also situated on this hill. The Durbar, or palace, is a historic landmark built in the 16th century by Ram Shah. The palace is situated on top of a hill at a height of around 1,000 meters. This palace is about an hour's walk from the Gorkha Bazaar in the city center. Gurkhas, who are Nepalese soldiers recruited by the British army, also originated from the Gorkha Durbar. Overnight in Hotel in Gorkha Garden Inn or Similar

  • Day 02 - Drive to Pokhara ( 800m )[125km)

    Today morning you will be picked up at your hotel for your sightseeing. After Breakfast, we will leave Gorkha, today also we are using less traffic off road ,it takes 4-5 hrs. (135KM approx.) We will go through Rupa & Begnas lake Pokhara has mesmerized visitors from all over the world with the rare combinations of snow-clad peaks and snow fed lakes and rivers. The serenity of the Phewa Lake accompanied by the grandeur of Machhapuchhre creates an ambience of peace and magic. Pokhara is the home for dense forests, gushing rivers, lucid lakes and the world famous view of the Himalayas. Overnight at Hotel Da Yatra or similar[B/L/D]

  • Day 03 - Drive to Lete/Kalopani.[ 2560]( 135 KM approx..)

    After your breakfast we will be checking the bikes as today after few kms from Pokhara from Beni excitement will be much higher to conquer the off road track to Lete where we stop for the night. Around Beni, you say goodbye to tarmac once and for all and the road becomes a dusty off road track that skirts the river. Reaching Tatopani the road now climbs and climbs and climbs as dust gives way to cobbles. First you get views of the Niligiri Himal and as you ascend further the mesmerizing peak of Dhaulagiri and the Annapurnas come into view. Things then begin to level out finally as the Kali Gandaki Valley broadens out. A detour then winds its way quickly up to your overnight halt and the comfort of the village lete/kalopani. The lodge is perched high above the valley and looming immediately above you is Dhaulagiri in all its splendor, across the valley are the Nilgiri peaks and the Annapurnas. Overnight at Simple Lodge [B/L/D]

  • Day 04 - Drive to Ghami [3540m] ( 70 KM /5-6 hrs drive)

    The morning mesmerize you with a marvelous mountain view of Annapurna mountain range, Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri massif from your room then after breakfast drive begins from the lodge. The rain shadow terrain Thakali residence begins beyond the Kalo Pani village. The drive proceeds along the meandering windy Kali Gandaki valley and passes the green apple farm of Marpha, Tukche, and Tangbe. Upon an arrival Kagbeni, we check our Upper Mustang Trekking Permits and then officially entering restrict the area and enjoy to see monastery and visit Kagbeni village. The en route is covered by ancient caves where the warriors used to hide from the enemies during the war. Also see the white, red and grey painted Chorten which is indicated as Sakya sect Buddhism. The drive above the valley on lost Buddhist kingdom and crossing several passes Taklam La (3624 m), Dajori La (3735 m), Yamdo La (3860 m), Nyi La (4010 m) which offers panoramic mountain view of Thorong peak, Nilgiri, Tilicho peak, etc.visit monasteries on the way. Overnight at Simple Lodge [B/L/D]

  • Day 05 - Drive to Lo-Manthang

    After breakfast brief drive to see outstanding Dhakmar red cliff and the several colorful Chhorten on foot of the unique red cliff. A drive continues over the pass which offers a wide view of arid landscapes with walled mountains where the adventure route of Nar Phu valley trek route Tiri la pass trail is marked. The off-road drive continues to Ghar Gompa, the oldest monasteries of Upper mustang believed to be built in the 8th century, here you will see a huge statue of Maitreya the future Buddha also see the Himalayas above the high plateau. A drive further-up on a dusty road with a marvelous view of the Himalayas. Overnight at Simple Lodge [B/L/D]

  • Day 06 - Explore around Lo-Mangthang and Koro La Border [4660m] 6-7 Hrs drive.

    Namgyal Monastery Beautiful Buddhist temple a few hundred meters above Lomanthang village, the monastery has two sections main temple and hostel where around 100 young monks are practicing Buddhism. A monastery is located on the hill and from here enjoy to see a marvelous view of the landscapes and the mountains. Thinggar and Kamaling village The drive continues further up to Kamaling and Thinggar village, the villages have traditional Tibetan flavor cultural also visit the nunnery monastery end of Thinggar village. Kora La Pass (4655 m) Since the last few years, Kora la pass being highlights of Upper Mustang trek and tour, the border is 42 km to and fro Lomanthang. Kora la pass is the salt trade route between Tibet and Nepal. On way to Kora la pass, you will have panoramic Mountain View including Annapurna mountain range and Nilgiri above the plateau. There are fence and pillar which marked as an international border also the Chinese government built the costume office behind the fence on Chinese land. Shija Jhong Cave in Chhoser The 5-storey human-made cave has several rooms believed to be used in ancient times for the living. The cave offers a marvelous view of Chhoser village and the arid plateau of Mustang. Each floor is connected by the wooden leader and has windows. It is a bit hard to climb up on the leader but as you reached top floors it offers amazing scenery of the surrounding. Nyphu Gumba The red and marron walled painted combined Buddhist monastery and monks retreat cave in Chhoser village. The colorful Buddhist sites is around 700 years old. Overnight at Simple Lodge [B/L/D]

  • Day 07 - Drive to Muktinath (3750m) (120 km ) 6-7 hrs drive.

    After breakfast, Today drive begins on the grubby off-road then from Tsarang village we continue along the Kali Gandaki River with enjoying exceptional eroded landscapes view of the canyon. From here drive retrace on Kali Gandaki corridor from Kagbeni village short drive to Muktinath temple. Muktinath is relatively busier because lot trekkers walking down from Thorong la pass. Overnight at Simple Lodge [B/L/D

  • Day 08 - Drive from Muktinath to Tatopani ( 1170m) [90km 6-7 hrs ]

    Early morning short warm-up hike to Muktinath temple and enjoy with discovering sacred sites. After breakfast on the large mountain plateau and along the Kali Gandaki river with capturing picturesque sceneries o mountains and landscapes. Then also visiting traditional Thakali village and apple orchid in Marpha. The drive ends up at Tatopani village on the bank of Kali Gandaki River, after room check-in short side trip to natural hot spring also possible to dip in with paying entrance fees. Overnight at Simple Lodge [B/L/D]

  • Day 09 - Drive from Tatopani to Pokhara ( 90 KM 5-6 HRS)

    After breakfast, we will ride along the river bed on a jeep track to the Beni Bazaar where we’ll meet the Pokhara road and river back to Pokhara Overnight at Hotel Da Yatra or similar [B/L/D]

  • Day 10 - Drive back to Kathmandu.

    After your breakfast you take the highway back to Kathmandu, en-route stop over or lunch and relax and after reaching Kathmandu the exciting bike journey ends with memories which remain forever. Overnight at Hotel Mandala or similar [B/L/D]

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